Vyacheslav Gryaznov – Friday, March 15, 2024

An intimate evening of world-class classical piano, drinks, and dessert

You are invited to a private recital by acclaimed Russian pianist and arranger Vyacheslav Gryaznov (Slava as known to his friends) in our home in New York City.

Slava has been one of the series’ favorites and we are delighted to have him back. He previously dazzled us with performance of piano compositions by Rachmaninoff, Liszt, Mozart, etc. This time, the entire recital will be piano transcriptions — orchestral compositions rearranged for solo piano. Think Beethoven symphonies transcribed by Liszt, Tchaikovsky’s ballets transcribed by Pletnev, and of course there will be well known orchestral pieces transcribed by Slava himself.

Friday, March 15 — doors open at 7pm — recital starts 7:30pm — optional drinks and dessert reception with the pianist afterwards until about 10:00pm. For photos/videos of previous Lilacs events, see here.

To RSVP, go to the Eventbrite page here. As always, 100% of the proceeds will go to the pianist.

About Slava

Slava is a prominent Russian pianist, transcriber, arranger and composer and is the author of more than 40 concert arrangements. He has gained a reputation as one of the most remarkable arrangers working today.

Slava studied at the Moscow State Conservatory for his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and earned the Artist Diploma from Yale School of Music. He is an artist of the Moscow Philharmonic and is an Artist-in-Residence with The Drozdoff Society in the United States.

In 2014 Slava signed a publishing contract with Schott Music, the youngest Russian in their history to do so. His work has been among the publisher’s top ten best-selling piano editions.

His debut album of Russian Transcriptions was released in 2018 on the Steinway & Sons label as part of winning 1st prize at the New York Concert Artists Worldwide Audition.  His second album of Western Transcriptions was released in 2021 on the Master Performers label. 

The program

Select piano transcriptions by Liszt, Pletnev and Gryaznov himself.

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