Rachmaninoff’s 150th Birthday Celebration– Sunday, April 2, 2023

Music and a festive dinner for Rachmaninoff’s 150th birthday, Lilacs-style

Come celebrate our beloved Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff at this special presentation of The Lilacs Recital Series on Sunday, April 2, 2023 – his 150th birthday – including two afternoon all-Rachmaninoff concerts performed by six hand-picked artists, followed by a festive catered dinner. Join in for part or all of the afternoon and evening.

Doors open at 2:30pm

First concert of works by Sergei Rachmaninoff – 3pm

30 min interlude from 4:30pm to 5pm

Second concert of works by Sergei Rachmaninoff – 5pm

  • Cello Sonata, Op. 19, performed by John-Henry Crawford (cello) and Wynona Yinuo Wang (piano)
  • Morceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3, performed by Vyacheslav Gryaznov
  • Aleko’s Cavatina, and select songs, performed by Joseph Parrish (bass-baritone), Vyacheslav Gryaznov (piano)

30 mins interlude from 6:30pm to 7pm

Festive dinner for Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 150th birthday – 7pm

Celebrate the great Sergei Rachmaninoff over a festive dinner while mingling with our artists and each other, plus an entertaining slideshow about Rachmaninoff’s life. The dinner will include a fine Champagne toast, a black caviar starter, soul food catered by the hot spot East Village institution Veselka, and a special dessert. (If served at a restaurant, the menu price per person would easily be over $100.)

Our celebration will end at 9:30pm

This Lilacs presentation is made possible through the generosity of our special event patrons.

Diamond event patron ($1000+)
Elysium Charitable Foundation*

Platinum event patron ($500+)
Min-Hwa Cheng Kennard*

Gold event patrons ($250+)
Qianyi Wang

Silver event patrons ($100+)
Lora Aroyo
Anton Menshov
Eduardo Vergara

Additional event patronage
Liu Chen
Adriana Herrera
Tammy Tan

(*) Also a Lilacs 2022-23 season patron

Ticket information

To RSVP, go to the Eventbrite page here.  You have the option to get tickets for the entire celebration, or each of the two concerts separately or just the dinner. You can also choose a combination of options, both concerts only or one concert plus the dinner.

Additional patronage for this special event — anything extra you can give will be much appreciated, and will go towards increasing our support for our six artists and towards defraying the costs of the overall event, including the festive dinner (the cost of which is not covered by the ticket price); all additional patronage – at whatever level – will be appropriately acknowledged in the program, at dinner, and on our website. You can make the contribution via the Eventbrite page here. Any additional patronage above $250 will also receive a 501(c)(3) donation receipt for your tax deduction.

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